Thursday, September 3, 2009

The first of many

Alright, so finally on the opposite side of the country, oh so far away from home, I write my first entry. Seeing as Cork has been trained in all the technical in&outs of photography, I'll be updating the snapshots I've taken. He's dubbed me, sunlip snapshot. "Snapshot" because I take snapshots on my dinky pink camera and "sunlip.." cork'll have to explain, something to do with chapstick and spf.
Now to share some highlights of the trip thus far. You may notice a food trend with the pictures to come. For me, and probably Corey too, this trip will be as much about the sights we see as the food we eat : )
Kansas City can be summed up in two pictures:
Before Gates BBQ

Don't be deceived - there is sooo much ham under those fries.
And a pitcher of root beer.

And after Gates BBQ

It was kind of like being drunk - the full effect did not hit us until we stood up. Then it took hours to recover. My first ribs experience - worth it- but rough going.

Also, there was a cat, and air conditioning, and a really comfortable couch - so I was in heaven

Then it was off to Kansas! I was determined to find something redeeming about Kansas and I think we were beyond successful. To start, and what a good start, the woman at the toll booth who came out to kneel by the car and chat about the down quilt she just picked up at a yard sale for $2.50. And then Wichita. Granted we only spent a couple of hours there, but I think we picked up an excellent vibe from the city. First, to put a picture to the seller of the best malts that guy ever had:

Then we went to a bar with Alysha and her boyfriend and tried Fat Tire, which was good at first, but eventually reminded me of steel reserve, which is never a good thing..

And then we toured the abandoned building Cor shot in

if you were wondering, yes, there are more where those tiny saws in the bottom left corner came from..

To finish off our time in Wichita, the first of many delicious gelato experiences, Cor with cocount and chocolate, me with raspberry and pistachio

and we're off to Colorado!

more to come later..

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