Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Horse And Buggy

So pre-thanksgiving i took the old horse and buggy out to new york for my workshop in Manhattan. Incredibly long and pretty boring drive. I spent about 8 hours sleeping in the back of my car in ohio on the journey, which was harder than i thought it would be.

So the workshop went really really well, and over all I think that the participants got a lot out of it and produced some cool images. You can check them out below.

After the workshop I drove up to Addison, Ny...Haven't heard of it? Not really surprising, its the land from which my father hails.
That ought to give you a pretty good feel for the ruralness that i was to encounter. Went up there for hunting, saw absolutely no deer until i was pulling away from the barn in my car. God or the earth or whoever has a damning sense of humor that i do not particularly enjoy when sitting in the cold for hours on end and hoping for some food, fabric and bones. I want to carve my own utensils at some point in time.

But the holiday went by fast and was definitely enjoyed. I always remember how much I love Central, Pa when I go back. It will most certainly be home no matter how far I wonder.

I did a couple shoots while i was back and even managed to dismount the fox from his wooden/foam mount for a couple pictures. Hope you enjoy

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